Alexander Medvedev



The musicologist and librettist Alexander Medvedev, born in Moscow in 1927, studied music history and music theory at the Moscow Gnessin Institute. In 1961 he received his doctorate from the Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography in Leningrad.

From 1952 to 1957 he headed an editorial department of the magazine "Sovetskaja muzyka", 1963-68 head of the department for music literature at the Bolshoi Theater, from 1972 chairman of the folklore commission in the Composers' Union of the RSFSR. He lectured on Soviet music and was the author of numerous articles on Soviet musical culture.

Alexander Medvedev wrote libretti for Mieczysław Weinberg operas The passengerThe Madonna and the Soldier and  The Portrait and to Revol Bunin's unfinished opera members of the people's liberty.

He died in Moscow on July 26, 2010.


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