NEOS Music

German Record Critics’ Award – Best List 3/2024

Every quarter, the best and most interesting new releases of the previous three months are awarded a place on the best list. The evaluation criteria are artistic quality, repertoire value, presentation and sound quality. Our production "Karlheinz Stockhausen: MANTRA" with the GrauSchumacher Piano Duo and the SWR Experimental Studio was included in the best list 3/2024 in the "Contemporary Music" category. "When the digital ring modulator [...]

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Simone Santi Gubini – The Black Exposition at SRW2 AktuellMusic

March 21, 2024, 21:05 p.m. SWR2 NunMusic It's about the utmost density of music. Ensemble musicians play in extreme techniques and positions at a dynamically high level. Electronics amplifies the power of information. The aim is to ultimately reawaken the sensitivity for the physicality and facets of music. “The Black Exposition”, “The Black Exhibition”, by the Italian composer Simone Santi

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René Wohlhauser at rbb Kultur and Deutschlandradio Kultur

rbb kultur “Music of the Present, New Music Current” Andreas Göbel presents the CD “From the Depths of Time” by René Wohlhauser in a review. May 9, 2023Deutschlandfunk Kultur“The Search for Authenticity”Portrait of the composer René Wohlhauser by Yvonne Petitpierre https: //

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Festival Strings Lucerne

Daniel Dodds, first violinRegula Dodds, second violinKatrin Burger, violaAlexander Kionke, cello The Festival Strings Lucerne are one of the most important chamber orchestras in Europe. They were founded as a string orchestra with harpsichord in 1956 by the Viennese violin legend Wolfgang Schneiderhan and the Swiss conductor and violinist Rudolf Baumgartner. Since 2012, the Festival Strings Lucerne has been developing under the artistic director Daniel

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Gunnar Geisse

Gunnar Geisse (born July 11, 1962 in Giessen) is a German musician, improviser, composer and performer. He moves in the area of ​​tension between experimental/improvised music and new music. To do this, he developed a complex set of instruments consisting of an electric guitar and electronic sound processing, which he calls the laptop guitar. He also plays various other stringed instruments, in addition to the banjo and mandolin, primarily those from Central Asia, such as Uzbek or Persian dotâr. Geisse has his

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Shoko Kuroe

Shoko Kuroe was born in Japan in 1971 and received her first piano lessons at the age of four. She has lived in Hamburg since 1981, where she was trained by Eliza Hansen. She was a winner of various national and international competitions and a scholarship holder from the Oscar and Vera Ritter Foundation and the ZEIT Foundation. Shoko Kuroe appears as a soloist in Europe

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Juan Manuel Marrero

Composer Juan Manuel Marrero, born in 1970 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, is a European composer with a doctorate, specializing in aesthetics, sciences and technologies of the arts. In 1995 he settled permanently in France, where he became part of the Paris music scene, the center of which was and is the famous Ircam initiated by Pierre Boulez.

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Jan Müller-Wieland

Jan Müller-Wieland is perhaps one of the most diverse and productive composers of today. The musician, who was born in Hamburg in 1966, created 15 stage works and large-format works for orchestra, but is also fond of chamber music. His works are performed internationally by the most renowned soloists and orchestras. He was composer in residence at the Gstaad Menuhin Festival, at the Beaux Arts

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Simone Santi Gubini

Simone Santi Gubini (*1980, Rome) is particularly interested in music as an intense physical experience, in music that demands fulfillment. Through the use of highly textured developments, extreme ambiguity and overexposed tones, the composer shapes a raw and tangible sound. He creates maximum contrasts and an explosion of ever-changing relationships on every musical parameter

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