Product Categories
David Philip Hefti: Light and Shade
Info text: LIGHT AND SHADOW The program put together for this CD brings together three visually powerful and promising titles: On transparent threads, Concubia nocte and Danse interstellaire. The works, all connected by the basic line-up of the string quartet, revolve around the tension between weariness and courage to live, light and shadow, sadness and consolation. They are exemplary of the composer's musical experimentation and expressiveness [...]
Malin Bang: Works for Orchestra
Info text: MALIN BÅNG · WORKS FOR ORCHESTRA Before I start composing, I imagine the orchestra as a huge performance space in which the many musicians are spread out, ready to perform any kind of musical action. The communicative role of each individual instrument is a vital source of inspiration for me, and completely different concepts come to life, […]
Nicolaus A. Huber: AION
Info text: NICOLAUS A. HUBER · AION Angel Dust for trombone and accordion (2007 / 08) I always think about the listener when I compose. I am my first and frequent listener. But first of all I always think about sounds. They face me, also in their enriched forms as sounds, noises, positions. In this piece there are some tones whose […]
Laurie Altman: Love Songs
Info text: LOVE SONGS A chance encounter about 25 years ago was the source of inspiration for the CD “Love Songs”. On that day, after a lecture, I met Jeannine Hummel, who was to become my wife and companion in all musical and other things. To this day she inspires me and has provided me with critical understanding and intuitive ear […]
Opening Performance Orchestra: Chess Show (Other Memories of John Cage)
Info text: CHESS SHOW (OTHER MEMORIES OF JOHN CAGE) »The sound is transformed and restored, but in an unrecognizable way! He will be reborn. It is a perpetual rebirth or reincarnation. It's life. And it goes on and on.« This quote from John Cage's book For the Birds resonates in the individual versions of Chess Show, a […]
Seyed Sina Sadeghpour: Mosaic. Sonic Perspectives on Iran
Info text: SEYED SINA SADEGHPOUR – MOSAIC. SONIC PERSPECTIVES ON IRAN Chamber music for soprano and mixed ensemble In the years after the Islamic Revolution, the situation for art and culture in my home country of Iran changed fundamentally. Musicians, especially female musicians, are confronted with major restrictions and limitations. For a long time I have […]
David MolinerPhysical Sound
Info text: DAVID MOLINER ∙ PHYSICAL SOUND »The encounter with the music of David Moliner while preparing this CD was a really pleasant surprise for me. I discovered an artist who combines mastery of his craft with a feel for sound and a communicative parlando to express his music.« (Fabián Panisello) Already with my first [...]
Georgkatzer - Friedrich Goldmann string music: 1 - three sound speeches - ... almost frozen unrest ... 2 - ensemble concert II
Info text: WORKS BY FRIEDRICH GOLDMANN AND GEORG KATZER Friedrich Goldmann (1941–2009) and Georg Katzer (1935–2019) were influential figures in the GDR in a group of younger composers who had been growing since the end of the 1960s and who followed the official demands for »Socialist Realism « contradicted increasingly audibly in artistic creation. The clichés of musical solidarity with the people and mass appeal were […]
Daniel Osorio: Zikkus
Info text: DANIEL OSORIO: ZIKKUS The Zikkus series begins in 2007, while the composer was studying at the Saar University of Music, and in retrospect reflects his artistic career and his political feelings and thoughts. Studying composition as a self-imposed »exile« triggers a longer development process for Daniel Osorio in which, among other things, he questions his European music training and establishes connections […]
Gianluca Verlingieri: Musica Ritrovata
Info text: MUSICA RITROVATA Gianluca Verlingieri, the structuralist of electronic music Gianluca Verlingieri has chosen Musica Ritrovata as the title for his CD. He presents his chamber music of the last fifteen years under this motto, as music that has been rediscovered from other eras, found again and newly composed in the musical language of our time. According to his idea, she […]
Ralf Hoyer: residual_risk
Program: Ralf Hoyer (*1950) [01] residual_risk Electroacoustic composition for 4 channels / stereo version / video optional (2011/2013) 11:34 4worte09 Electroacoustic composition for 6 channels / stereo version (2010) [02] 4worte09 – Scrapping bonus 03:44 [03] 4worte09 – war-like conditions 02:57 [04] 4worte09 – swine flu 02:34 [05] 4worte09 – Bad Bank 03:07 TIME-drawn electro-acoustic composition for 6 channels / stereo version [06] Acceleration (ZEIT-drawn 1 ) (2010/2019) 07:51 [07] The displaced nightingale (ZEITzieh 2) (2010/2021) 04:48 [08] La […]
Chengbi An: L'assemblage sonore - Constellation - Hyun.Oh - Ressac
Program: Chengbi An (*1967) [01] L'assemblage sonore (Sound Assembly) 12:11 for piano and electronics (2019) Commissioned work by the Studio for Electro-Acoustic Music of the Academy of Arts Berlin for the festival KONTAKTE '19 With the kind support of Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation Prodromos Symeonidis, piano [02] Constellation for violin and piano (2003) 12:48 Commissioned by the Kumho Cultural Foundation Melise Mellinger, violin Prodromos Symeonidis, piano [03] Hyun.Oh (Le rêve d'un […]