Clemens von Reusner



Clemens von Reusner, born in 1957, composer and sound artist. At the center of his work of electroacoustic music and radiophonic audio pieces are both purely electronically generated sounds and sounds found in special places. The latter are usually withdrawn from everyday experience, such as the soundscape of an industrial port, places with special technical facilities or nocturnal soundscapes in a big city. In the late 1980s, development of the music software KANDINSKY MUSIC PAINTER.

Commissioned works for the radio, numerous international performances of his works in Asia, Europe, North and South America. Invitations to the World Music Days for New Music in 2011 (Zagreb), 2017 (Vancouver) and 2019 (Tallinn).

Clemens von Reusner is a member of the German Composers' Association (DKV), the Society for New Music (GNM) and the German Society for Electroacoustic Music (DEGEM). Curatorial work, jury member at international festivals for electroacoustic music. 


Ideal landscape – electroacoustic works:

electroacoustic works:

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