DIETER SCHNEBEL was born on March 14, 1930 in Lahr/Baden. Studies at the Freiburg Music Academy (1949-52) and close contact with the Kranichstein Summer Courses (later Darmstadt Summer Courses) for New Music were followed by studies in Protestant theology, philosophy and musicology in Tübingen. From 1976 to his retirement in 1995 he had held a professorship for experimental music and musicology at the Hochschule der Künste (HdK) in Berlin, but continued his work as a theologian through preaching. Church music compositions were created (For votes – missa est, Magnificat, missa brevis, arrangements of Bach chorales and organ works) – most recently for the church pavilion at EXPO 2000 and documenta 2001. By founding the theater group »Die Maulwerker«, Schnebel only partially systematized his work on the »Fluxus« (visible music, reactions, stops–rashes) traceable, open work concept in which musicians are asked to perform actions in space using their instruments and voices in unconventional ways. The key works of recent years include Missa, Symphony X, Mayakovsky's Death - Dance of Death.1991 Dieter Schnebel was awarded the Lahr Culture Prize. In 1999 the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd awarded him the European Church Music Prize, which was awarded for the first time. Dieter Schnebel is a member of the Berlin Academy of Arts (since 1991) and the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts (since 1996). He has written numerous musicological publications, e.g. on Webern's Piano Variations op. 27, on Franz Schubert and Giuseppe Verdi. | »