Dror Feiler



Dror Feiler was born in Tel Aviv in 1951 and has lived in Sweden since 1973. First he studied at the Fylkingen Institute for New Music, then 1977-1978 musicology at the University of Stockholm and 1978-1983 composition at the Music Academy in Stockholm with Gunnar Bucht, Sven-David Sandström and Brian Ferneyhough. Since the mid-1970s, Feiler has performed in numerous countries with his own improvisation groups »Lokomotiv concrete« and »The too much too soon Orchestra« as well as with other groups (including as a saxophone soloist). He is a co-founder of various cultural-political institutions, e.g. European Jews for a Just Peace, JIPF-judar för israelisk-palestinsk fred, The Freedom Theater and Tochnit Aleph.


Donaueschingen Music Days 2008:

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