Frank Gutschmidt



Frank Gutschmidt was born in Brandenburg/Havel in 1971. In 1986 and 1988 he won first prizes at the national competitions »Johann Sebastian Bach« in Leipzig and »Franz Liszt« in Weimar. In 1 he received the Parke Davis Advancement Award and in 1991 the Advancement Award from the Rheinsberg Music Academy.

As a soloist and chamber musician, he primarily devotes himself to works of contemporary music. In 2001 and 2002 he received prizes for performances of Stockhausens at the International Stockhausen Courses in Kürten piano pieces. Since the summer of 2003 he has been a lecturer at the Stockhausen courses in Kürten. In 2006 he attended the premiere of the new piano work Natural durations 1-15 involved. He recorded seven pieces from this cycle dedicated to him on CD for the Stockhausen Complete Edition.


Chamber music:

Vocal music:

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