Jim Franklin

Composer, shakuhachi, theremin, synthesizer, electronics


Jim Franklin First studied composition and musicology in Australia, Germany and Holland. In 1986 he discovered the shakuhachi and learned the instrument from Dr. Riley Lee, Furuya Teruo and Yokoyama Katsuya. In 1996 he received the title shihan (Master) of Yokoyama-sensei. In 1997 he received his PhD from Sydney University for a crossover dissertation (musicology/composition); The topic was the various aspects of contemporary use of the shakuhachi, including the connection between shakuhachi and live electronics. In 2004, Franklin emigrated to Germany. From 2006 to 2009 he was the founding chairman of the European Shakuhachi Society. In 2018 he was a main organizer of the World Shakuhachi Festival in London.

www.bambusherz.de »


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