Klaus Huber



Klaus Huber, born on November 30.11.1924, 1955 in Bern, studied violin at the Zurich Conservatory with Stefi Geyer, composition with Willy Burkhard, 1956/1959 with Boris Blacher (Berlin). The international breakthrough came in XNUMX at the IGNM World Music Festival in Rome with the chamber cantata The angel's address to the soul, which received the 1st prize in chamber music.

From 1964 to 73 Huber headed the composition class at the Basel Music Academy and in 1966/68/72 the composition seminars at the Gaudeamus Foundation in Bilthoven (Netherlands). In 1969 he founded the International Composers Seminar in Boswil (Switzerland). In 1970 he received the Beethoven Prize from the city of Bonn for Tenebrae. From 1973 to 1990 he headed the composition class and the Institute for New Music at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg im Breisgau. In 1978 he received the art prize of the city of Basel. From 1979 to 1982 he was President of the Swiss Association of Musicians. In 1984 he began his international work as a guest professor worldwide: e.g. throughout Europe and Canada, South America, Japan, Korea, China. In 1991 he retired from the Musikhochschule Freiburg and since then has worked exclusively as a freelance composer and visiting professor. Klaus Huber is a member of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts, the Berlin Academy of Arts, an honorary member of the IGNM and an honorary doctorate from the University of Strasbourg (2000) and the University of Music and Theater Leipzig (2009). He lives in Bremen and Panicale (Umbria).

Other awards include: Villa Ichon Culture and Peace Prize (Bremen, 2002), European Church Music Prize (Schwäbisch Gmünd, 2007), Salzburg Music Prize (2009) and the Ernst von Siemens Music Prize (2009).

Since 1975 his works have been published by Ricordi Munich. His autographs are in the Paul Sacher Foundation, Basel. His collected writings are titled 1999 plowed time Published by Verlag MusikTexte (Cologne). Further publications: interrupted characters – Klaus Huber, Pfau Verlag (Saarbrücken, 2005); double volume (137/138) of music concepts (2007); the book Klaus Huber: From time to time, the total work, Conversations with Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Wolke-Verlag (2009). Klaus Huber dossier: Editions Entretemps (7/1988, Paris); Klaus Huber: Écrits, Editions Contrechamps (Geneva, 1991).


Vocal works:

…à l'âme de descendre de sa monture et aller sur ses pieds de soie… / Metanoia:

Salzburg Biennale – Festival for New Music 2009:

Salzburg Biennale – Festival for New Music 2009:

Humiliated - bondage - abandoned - despised ...:

Donaueschingen Music Days 2007 Vol. 1:

43rd International Summer Course for New Music Darmstadt 2006:

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