Michael Bastian Weiß: Fragmenta Missarum pro Defunctis - Sonata on Darkness
Info text: The appeal of the impossible: Michael Bastian Weiß found his life's theme in the diverse relationships between art and science, between music and philosophy. He lives as a composer and philosopher in Munich. The total length of the work, which also represents his 2nd symphony, is colossal. At 50 minutes, it goes beyond every standard […]
Toshio Hosokawa: Solo Concertos - Vol. 1
Info text: Music must be noble “Music must be noble” – Toshio Hosokawa once chose this statement in a personal conversation in order to differentiate himself from the aesthetics of other composers. This sentence seems to me to be an apt description of Hosokawa's music, as it draws its own noblesse from a very noble source: 'Gagaku', the music of the Japanese […]
Franz Hummel, Ludwig van Beethoven: Diabelli Variations
Info text: Diabelli Variations Franz Hummel – Ludwig van Beethoven The art of variation has always been considered the highest in music history. And it is widely known and accepted that Beethoven's genius was never surpassed by anyone else. But how is it that his most interesting, greatest and most profound piano work is a harmless waltz by Anton Diabelli […]
Jonathan Harvey: Works for piano - Works flute and piano
Info text: Works for Piano - Works for Flute and Piano Musical poetry is of course also conceivable without a text set to music: when the musical metric defies conventions, when the timbre and the structural meaning of a sound coincide, when the artist is concerned with condensed, pictorial formulations wrestles. Jonathan Harvey's short piano piece Verse is such a lyrical […]
Johannes Brahms: Love Songs & Waltz
Info text: Fleeting waltzes as 'permanent music' "Unfortunately not from me," Johannes Brahms once wrote under the opening bars of the waltz On the Beautiful Blue Danube, and there are numerous testimonies of Brahms' admiration of the waltz king Johann Strauss and their mutual appreciation. The waltz was not only a distinctive idiom of the Habsburg imperial capital Vienna in the 19th century, but [...]
Isang Yun, Ludwig van Beethoven: Pathétique
Info text: VIRTUOSITY AND PATHOS, BEAUTY AND TRUTH Kaya Han with the piano work of Isang Yun and Beethoven's ›Pathétique‹ In Johann Georg Sulzer's General Theory of Fine Arts (Leipzig 1793) ›Pathos; Pathetic” especially to those passions “which fill the mind with fear, terror [sic!] and dark sadness”, i.e. to those feelings that arise as a result of […]
Johannes Brahms: A German Requiem
Info text: "MOURNING MUSIC AS A PRAISE OF THE SUFFERING" The sound shape heard here reconstructs the original form of Johannes Brahms' German Requiem before its triumph in choral-symphonic sound power. This arrangement comes from the composer Heinrich Poos (born 1928), who primarily made vocal music and was a professor of music theory in Berlin for many years. Poos gives us a […]
Robert Schumann: Concert pour Piano seul - Fantasy Pieces
Info text: CONCERT POUR PIANO SEUL (CONCERT FOR PIANO ALONE) Original version of the 3rd Piano Sonata op.14, based on the autograph in the British Library, London Robert Schumann perhaps lives on primarily in his compositions for the piano. There is therefore no need to spark a rank dispute with the song and vocal composer, especially since Schumann's aftermath has a […]
Wolfgang Rihm: Piano Pieces
Info text: THE PIANO WORK OF WOLFGANG RIHM My first contact with Wolfgang Rihm's piano music came relatively late. About eight years ago I heard the piano piece 5 “Tombeau” in a concert. I was spontaneously carried away by the dark power of this music. Like an outcry, a dark rebellion, with three exclamation marks after it... The strong architectural [...]
Robert HP Platz: Piano Pieces
Info text: ROBERT HP PLATZ: PIANO PIECES Robert HP Platz pursues a stringent artistic concept. All pieces written since 1989 fit into an 'integral' body of work in which each building block is independent and can be performed separately, but is designed with a view to its integration into an overarching 'form-polyphonic' fabric. Also place' piano music […]
Iannis Xenakis: Music for Keyboard Instruments - realized by computer
Info text: COMPLEXITY - UNPLAYABILITY - FAITHFULNESS IANNIS XENAKIS' COMPOSITIONS FOR SOLO PIANO AND SOLO CEMBALO REALIZED ON THE COMPUTER In Iannis The structures of his essentially emotional pieces should be understood as ciphers of human existence. For the interpreters of his music this means trying to interpret the 'notes' in such a way [...]
Christian Wolff: Piano Pieces
Program: [01] 10:20 Tilbury I (1969) Keyboard Miscellany (1988–) [02] 00:39 2. [03] 04:19 3. [04] 00:35 4. [05] 03:13 5 . [06] 01:27 Earle Brown [07] 01:06 To Howard Skempton on his 50th birthday [08] 00:56 6. [09] 00:17 7. [10] 00:35 8. [11] 00 :47 11. [12] 10:06 Variations on Morton Feldman's Piano Piece 1952 [13] 03:00 13. [14] 00:28 10. [15] 00:09 9. [16] 02:30 12. [ 17] 03:37 Tilbury II (1969) [18] 05:57 A Piano […]