Chengbi An (* 1967)
[01] L'assemblage sonore (sound assembly) 12:11
for piano and electronics (2019)
Commissioned by the Studio for Electroacoustic Music of the Berlin Academy of Arts for the KONTAKTE '19 festival
With the kind support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation
Prodromus Symeonidis, Piano
[02] Constellation for violin and piano (2003) 12:48
Commissioned by the Kumho Cultural Foundation
Melissa Mellinger, violin
Prodromus Symeonidis, Piano
[03] Hyun.Oh (Le rêve d'un poisson au fond de la mer, son désir de lumière) 14:00
for piano, percussion and electronics (1998), revised version of the 2016 electronics
Prodromus Symeonidis, Piano
Adam Weissman, Drums
[04] Surf (The Metamorphosis of the Water of Ecumes) 18:28
for orchestra of thirty musicians (1997)
New Ensemble Instrumental du Conservatoire (CNSMDP)
Renato Rivolta, conductor
Total playing time: 57:50
World premiere recordings