Macrocosm Volume I
Twelve Fantasy Pieces after the Zodiac for Amplified Piano (1972)
Part One I-IV
[01] I Primeval Sounds (Genesis I; Cancer) 04:58
Darkly mysterious
[02] II Proteus (Pisces) 01:35
Very fast; whimsical, volatile
[03] III Pastorals (from the Kingdom of Atlantis, ca. 10,000 BC; Taurus) 02:01
Moderately, with incisive rhythm
[04] IV Crucifixus (Symbol; Capricorn) 03:05
Darkly mysterious – Adagio molto; serene, transcendental
Part Two V-VIII
[05] V The Phantom Gondolier (Scorpio) 03: 33
Eerily, with a sense of malignant evil
[06] VI Night Spell I (Sagittarius) 03: 58
Poised, expectantly—Serene, hauntingly; echoing (like an Appalachian valley acoustic)
[07] VII Music of Shadows (for Aeolian Harp; Pound) 02: 20
Gracefully, with elastic rhythm
[08] VIII The Magic Circle of Infinity (Moto perpetuo – symbol; Leo) 02: 12
Luminous - Joyously, like a cosmic clock-work; with mechanically precise rhythm
Part Three IX–XII
[09] IX The Abyss of Time (Virgo) 02:46
Dark, with a sense of profound mystery - Sinister
[10] X Spring Fire (Aries) 02:11
prestissimo; breathlessly, with élan
[11] XI Dream Images (Love Death Music; Gemini) 04:30
Musingly, like the gentle caress of a faintly remembered music
[12] XII Spiral Galaxy (Symbol; Aquarius) 03:11
Vast, lonely, timeless
Twelve Fantasy Pieces after the Zodiac for Amplified Piano (1973)
Part One I-IV
[13] I Morning Music (Genesis II; Cancer) 03:04
Exuberantly, with primitive energy
[14] II The Mystic Chord (Sagittarius) 02:21
Adagio molto; serene, desireless, like a Nirvana trance
[15] III Rain Death Variations (Pisces) 01:52
Crystalline, with elegance (tempo metronomico)
[16] IV Twin Suns (Double from Eternity, symbol; Gemini) 03:41
Majestic – Solemn (Hymn for the Advent of the Star-Child)
Part Two V-VIII
[17] V Ghost Nocturne: for the Druids of Stonehenge (Night Spell II; Virgo) 02:10
Dark, fantastic, subliminal
[18] VI Gargoyles (Taurus) 01:37
Marcia grottesca; savagely, with irony
[19] VII Torah! Torah! Torah! (Cadenza Apocalittica; Scorpio) 02:36
dramatic, with great intensity; violent, relentless
[20] VIII A Prophecy of Nostradamus (Symbol; Aries) 03: 47
Stark, powerful (molto pesante) - Fatefully (Tema enigmatico) - Come prima
Part Three IX–XII
[21] IX Cosmic Wind (Pound) 02:27
Ghostly, shadowy, tremulous
[22] X Voices from “Corona Borealis” (Aquarius) 04:43
Passacaglia: very slow, with majestic calm
[23] XI Litany of the Galactic Bells (Leo) 03: 04
celebrant; metallic, incisive, echoing (including Beethoven – Hammerklavier Sonata)
[24] XII Agnus Dei (Symbol; Capricorn) 04:09
Very slow, like chanting - Very slow, tender, whistful - Very slow; like a vision;
as if suspended in endless time (prayer wheel)
CD total playing time: 72:25
Markus Stangepiano