Matthias Arter: Solo Pieces 1993-2007


+ Freeshipping
Item number: NEOS 10940 Category:
Published on: November 26, 2009


Lively, lively music from an excellent soloist who studies the tricks and subtleties of his own and many other instruments very precisely, constantly making new discoveries and creating pointed, funny scenes on this basis. Matthias Arter, student of Heinz Holliger, is a composer, oboist, conductor, creative project developer and organizer.

His pieces are playful, concrete, associative: he tells of fighting twins with the accordion (Vladimir Blagojeviæ), he tests air currents and resonances with a set of transverse flutes (Boris Previšiæ) and in the different registers of the piano (Kristine Sutidze). Horn player (Olivier Darbellay) and recorder player (Céline Herrero) are allowed to hum against their own playing. Contradictory language, unruly singing confuse violin (Patricia Kopatchinskaja), violoncello (Tobias Moster) - and a poem by Cecília Meireles: "Música" is read with a soprano voice (Sylvia Nopper), torn and rustlingly put together again...


Matthew Arter (* 1964)

[01] Solo 2007 “Dialogue” for accordion (2007) 09:28

[02] 2002 only for violin (2002) 02:54

[03] Voice for horn (1995) 05:14

[04] 1993 only for recorder (1993, rev. 2009) 07:55

Cadenza for Cello (2005) 20: 11
[05] Descent 03:43
[06] Aura 1 13:12

[07] Ascension 03:16

3 piano pieces (1999) 11: 07
[08] I 02:44

[09] II 06:07
[10] III 02:16
[11] Singing for violin (2006) 02:23

[12] Music for voice (2000) 06:39

[13] 2001 only for flute (2001) 05:16

Solo 2006 “cantando – recitando” 07:46
for cello (2006)
[14] “cantando – recitando” 03:01

[15] “recitando” 00:49
[16] “recitando – cantando” 03:56

total time 79:01

Vladimir Blagojevic Patricia Kopatchinskaja Olivier Darbellay Celine Herrero
Accordion violin horn recorder

Tobias Moster Kristine Sutidze Sylvia Nopper Boris Previsic
cello piano soprano flute


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