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Paul Ben-Haim: Kabbalat Shabbat


+ Freeshipping
Item number: NEOS 10916 Categories: , ,
Published on: November 20, 2009


Born in Munich Paul Ben Haim, once assistant to Bruno Walter and Knappertsbusch at the State Opera, then conductor in Augsburg, then unemployed and a refugee, was later rediscovered by the Munich opera house Jakobsplatz OrchestraDaniel Grossmann presents works from the years in which the composer was building a new life in Israel: his "Sonata in G", which he wrote for Yehudi Menuhin, his oriental "Songs without Words", his psalm setting "Machet die Tore Weit" and , as his main work, his "Kabbalat Shabbat". The Sabbath, the Lord's day, the day of rest and reflection, is greeted with glad singing. People go to meet him across the fields in festive clothes. This is what the verses of the mystic Shlomo Alkabez tell, and Paul Ben-Haim interprets them with simple melodies that serve the spirit of the liturgy.


Kabbalat Shabbat (1966) 38: 50
Friday evening service
for cantor, soprano, choir and nine instruments

[01] Introduction and Psalm 9803:17
[02] Lighting Sabbath Candles 01:59
[03] Sabbath Hymn 03:26

[04] Barechu: Praise ye the Lord 01:20
[05] Sh'ma Yisrael 00:51
[06] Ve-ahav'ta: Thou Shalt Love 03:00
[07] Mi chamocha: Who is Like unto Thee 02:37
[08] Ve-shomru: They Shall Keep the Sabbath 02:03

[09] Hashkivenu 03:59
[10] Shalom rav al Yisrael: Grant us Peace 02:56
[11] Yih'yu le-ratson: Guide me 01:44
[12] Kiddush 02:20
[13] Adoration 03:33
[14] Bayom ha-hu: On that Day 01:54
[15] Adon olam 03:52

Christian Miedl, baritones (cantor)
Valerie Condolucisoprano
Chamber Choir of the Jakobsplatz Orchestra in Munich
Martin Danes, rehearsals

[16] Lift up your heads (1961) 08: 47
for solo soprano and eight instruments

Valerie Condolucisoprano

Sonata in G (1951) 12: 20
for solo violin

[17] Allegro energetico 05:05
[18] Lento e sotto voce 03:31

[19] Molto allegro 03:44

Zvi timeline, violin

Three Songs Without Words (1952) 10: 47
for violin and piano

[20] Arioso 04:28
[21] Ballad 02:43
[22] Sephardic Melody 03:37

Julia Rebecca Adler, Violet
Axel Gremmelspacherpiano

total time 71:04

Orchestra Jakobsplatz Munich
Daniel Grossmann, conductor



Eindelijk! A cd that is going to be heard is a man who was born in Munich in 1897 as Paul Frankenburger and lived in Tel-Aviv in 1984 as Paul Ben-Haim, the most important composer in the state of Israel in the first decade hair staan.

Paul Frankenburger was a zoon from a jurist, the een important positie vervulde within the Joodse Gemeenschap in Munich, was not strictly religious. In 1915 Paul began studying piano en composition at the Munich Academy of Music. The first study was completed in 1916, in the middle of the First Wereldoorlog, in the lightest most of the time it was used and placed on the French front on the Belgian front. Na de wapenstilstand hervatte hij zijn studies en werd compositieleerling van Friedrich Klose, the zelf bij Bruckner had gestudeerd. From 1920 to 1924 he first started as a répétiteur at the Bavarian State Opera in Munich, and assisted the conductor as Bruno Walter and Hans Knappertsbusch. Since that was the 'Kapellmeister' in Augsburg, with the previous function in 1931. In the anti-Semitic climate of the day, there were no other functions that were directed towards emigration to the Engelse protectorate of Palestine. Tijdens a misjudged daughter from that country, in the summer of 1933 changed his home in Ben-Haim. Never from Zionist overwegingen, maar doodgewoon omdat hem op grund van zijn visa door de Britse autoriteiten verboden what om op te treden.

Paul Ben Haim (1897-1984)

Toen hij zich eenmaal had lived in Palestine, vond hij work as a leader of the Yemeni people's tongs Bracha Zefira (1910-90). Zefira was a beroemdheid which had a final invloed op het culturele leven van het ontluikende Israel. Tussen 1939 and 1949 heard Ben-Haim haar aan the piano and made hij arrangements of the haar repertoire. De kennismaking met de joodse volksmuziek van Yemen, Perzië, Arabië en Noord-Afrika was van grote invloed op zijn own development as a composer. Dat comes tot uiting in de specifiek midden-Oosters gekleurde modaliteiten, ornamentaties, versieringen en other Semitic cartridges en motives. A splendid example was presented on our CD in the schitterende Songs without Words from 1952, originally composed as Three Vocalises for stem and piano, but mixed in many arrangements; Vooral saxophonists zijn he dol op.

In the early days of the State of Israel, Paul Ben-Haim developed none of the most important composers in the country, also as composers who lived in Leerlingen, first at the Jerusalem Conservatory in Tel Aviv, and later as a private doctor. Door de nauwe banden tussen Israel en de Verenigde States will zijn naam also known in America. Leonard Bernstein wrote in 1959 an opname of the Sweet Psalmist of Israel, a large four-piece work for the harpsichord, a harp and a large orchestra, based on the bijbelverhaal over Saul and David. So spread zijn reputation zich en ontving Ben-Haim opdrachten uit de hele wereld. In 1972, the city of Munich hosted the festivities on the occasion of the vijfenzeventigste verjaardag bij te wonen. Tijdens dat bezoek will be there slachtoffer van een Verkeersongeval, ten gevolge warn there voor de rest van zijn leven aan een rolstoel cluded what.

Ben-Haim has a large number of works to do, but the first honderd in Germany will be written. Zijn oratorio Joram, dat hij vlak voor zijn emigratie voltooide, ontving zijn première in 1979 in Jeruzalem in een hebreeuwse vertaling. Het is a diepdoorvoeld geestelijk work, but also joodse karaktistieken, with a text to the book Joram van Rudolf Borchardt. Ben-Haim chose het zelf as a zijn magnum opus. Deze cd opent eveneens met een geestelijk work, de Kabbalat Shabbat ofwel Vrijdagavonddienst, voor liturgically used in the prayer service which op vrijdagavond de Sabbat includes. The instrumental design is small, so that at the factory in Vrijwel all synagogues and problems can be spoken and played. The music is meant to be done in the best way, but the first thing that was inspired is that there is a controversy about the work for the amateurs that are expected, and a grateful offer is given.

Some of the other three works are Lift up your heads and some of the most works of the Ben-Haim baseerde op Psalmteksten. The Sonata in G for viool solo was a performance by no less than Yehudi Menuhin, which premiered at Carnegie Hall. Het is a waardevolle aandulling van de Schaarse literatuur voor solo tool, which quickly repertoire maakten en vele malen is opgenomen. The opname here is above the rest of the cd; It was made in 1972 by Zvi Zeitlin for the Bayerische Rundfunk. So here it is reported that Three Songs without Words are dead Ben-Haim's most spoken works, here they come dead in a version of alto violin and piano.

The ensemble of the Jakobsplatz Munich Orchestra is intended to be designed for the performance of the Kabbalat Shabbat. Conductor David Grossman directed the op in 2005, when the new Joodse Centrum was built on Jakobsplatz in Munich. The instrumentalists are of the highest quality, het bestaat uit front amateurs who hear you in that work from the best kant lateen. Het some mintje is de Cantor van Christian Miedl, not omdat hij not goed zingt, maar omdat hij een baritone is. When a cantor wakes up, there's only one tenor, and the opname from delen uit het work die scheen op Naxos in the serie joodse muziek van het Milken Archief laat hear dat daardoor toch een veel authentieker klankbeeld ontstaat. Helaas been op the opname maar vijf van de vijftien deeltje speeld – het stuk heeft een lengte van krap veertig minutes.

Sopraan Valérie Condoluci delivers a practical bijdrage, Zvi Zeitlin behoeft voor de ervaren luisteraar geen nadere introduction as a specialist in eigentijds repertoire. Het duo Julia Rebekka Adler and Axel Gremmelspacher later heard that de cd all al om de Three Songs without Words de moeite van het aanschaffen waard is.

NEOS is a new one in the full range of onafhankelijke small labels and will be open in 2009. Deze uitgave behoort be the first tien releases, not as Ginastera's Popol Vüh (click here). Oprichter van het label, Wulf Weinmann, is a red one in het vak; hij started the label Col Legno in 1982, based in Munich and Nauw connected with the festival van Donaueschingen. Several live performances from Donaueschingen brought Col Legno from, in addition to the same working with the Südwestrundfunk Baden-Baden, as well as being a project of new music. Helaas raised Col Legno in the versukkeling and was sold in 2005. The new owner has the conductor Gustav Kuhn and the composer Andreas Schett as artists and artists and the status of the label is wrong. Col Legno heeft in middels al weer een respectabel aantal nieuwe uitgaven het licht doen zien, and combineert nu gloednieuwe werken met spraakmakende interpretations van klassieke werke. Wulf Weinmann is born in Munich and has been connected with the Bayerische Rundfunk and other German events from the public domain. In the middle he op NEOS twaalf cd's different and there are four in the pijplijn. Deze cd ontstond in same working with the Bayerischer Rundfunk, which also includes the foreseen opname verzorgde. The super-audio hub work is the work of Ingo Schmidt-Lucas from the Cybele label, and we also have a name that guarantees top quality.

If you prevent that, Paul Ben-Haim binnenkort also has to be heard tot het elite-corps van bijna composers is dit een uitgave which een daad stelt – een heldendaad!

Siebe Riedstrasse

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