This album is the result of a five-year collaboration with Santiago Díez Fischer, which represents a wonderful symbiosis. lovemusic already had solo verás ahora (2014) (which was enthusiastically received by the audience) and no son more silences los espejos (2010) (the first piece that got Emiliano to enjoy playing piccolo!), after which we decided to commission a new piece for wind trio for a concert in Strasbourg. This became plastic love (2020). For us, the essence and joy of creating music with Santiago lies in simplicity - the starting point is not a complicated or intellectual idea that the music then tries to emulate or maintain, but something simple that changes over the course of the collaborative creative process and further developed. The premiere of plastic love was a plastic party - plastic clothes, plastic cubes, plastic curtains and of course Santiago's beloved boxes. During a break we were with Santiago plastic love As we rehearsed, we began to improvise by using the instruments like pressure valves and making air sounds. Santiago participated in exploring the possibilities and parameters of what we were doing (which became this interlude ii on this album). From then on it was clear that we mutually valued the collaboration and that further projects would follow.
A creative process developed from this first collaboration: Santiago suggests an initial idea and asks us to record some samples. Sometimes it's a timbre he's looking for, sometimes a specific pitch he wants to know how we can manipulate with effects or mix with the other instruments, sometimes a sequence of events. From these recordings, Santiago begins to shape the music. And it really feels more like "forming" than "writing": something that belongs more in the world of plastic art than in a written form, something that is not rigid but curved and organic, therefore malleable. The title and concept of this album also reference this, which also fits the general philosophy behind this project, which we viewed as an object rather than a collection of pieces.