Salvatore Sciarrino (* 1947)
[01] Un'imagine di arpocrate for piano and orchestra with choir(1974-1997) 46:51
on texts from Faust (JW von Goethe) and Tractatus logical-philosophicus (Ludwig Wittgenstein)
[02] Giorno velato presso il lago nero for violin and orchestra 18:52
commissioned by musica viva
World Premiere
Total playing time 65:45
Tamara Stefanovich piano [01]
Caroline Widmann violin [02]
Choral work Ruhr
conducted by Florian Helgath [01]
Symphony Orchestra of Bayerischen Rundfunks
conducted by Susanna Malkki [01] / Jonathan Nott [02]
07 / 2017
Paco Yáñez wrote on March 20.3.2017, XNUMX on “The entire diverse series that sells the English language NEOS is based on the foundational citades of the new European music, the muniqués Musica Viva festival es, valga la redundancia, una de las más vivas y coleantes. (…)”
“A worthwhile production in every respect.”
Read here the article by Prof. Dr. Stefan Drees (March 12.3.2017, XNUMX).
“… The sound of the BR symphony orchestra rises here again and again, unfolding in small sequences that float like scents. There is something magical about it, something mystical in the powerful passages. At the very bottom, cleverly lowered by the conductor into the realm of the almost inaudible, Sciarrino sets a foundation of the darkest strings (…) “Giorno velato presso il lago nero” for violin and orchestra also lives from momentary gestures (…) This creates an exciting dialogue between the fantastic soloist and the orchestra.” (Tilman Urbach)
Max Nyffeler writes: “An orchestral work with piano and one with violin (…) take the listener into the labyrinthine expanses of Sciarrino’s sound worlds. With Temara Stefanovich and Carolin Widmann, there are first-class performers at work, and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra unfolds the appropriate sound magic.”
Recommendation in the New Magazine for Music
“The way you hear everything in this recording is something you won’t hear again any time soon – it’s so heartbreakingly precise and sensual.” (Annette Eckerle)
Suoni della contemporary italiana: spazi indicibili della rappresentazione musicale
The post-romanticism of the fine 1900s is probably a spartan non-solo music: not in the midst of a case like Debussy, Schoenberg or Cowell, but all the while in the music, the art and the pensiero filosofico stay in the usual world center of gravity; This means that the compositions of the spinners are visible in their territories, all in incognito, even when they are walking, poets and pictures emerge from the sense of dispersion, navigating a view of the confines of their lives. The years of the New Year's War were in a moment of interrogation in the presence of the Divine, in misticism and in power; Wittgenstein does not propose a model of logic, in the same way as the inutility of the finale of the qualifications of the command or language posto in this language, and in a superior manner, the source of which is in silence, the base of a percorso di convincimento; La philosophy, chiamata a ristorarci lo spirito, non deve più porsi il problema di cosa saremo e su cui non ha risposte, ma dedicarsi alla conoscenza delle cose in funzione di mondo mistico che non ha nessuna base reale in questa vita: applicare il silence Significa spingersi ai limiti del linguaggio per trovare nel mistero “…lo sfondo oscuro contro cui si staglia alla luce la vita degli uomini…”.
Tra i contemporary composers are certified by Salvatore Sciarrino and have also acknowledged the merit of the performance of the music in the modo of the theory of Austria and the No. 26 of Musica Viva della Neos R., dedicated to a due sue orchestral composers and an eloquent testimonial : la prima, Un'immagine di Arpocrate è a capolavoro della musica persino inspirato da Wittgenstein e dal suo trattato logico-filosofico; Simbolo di quella composizione concentrica che caratterizza il compositore Siciliano, cerca di indagare proprio in quelle aree di transito che delimitano gli orizzonti del vissuto. Composta per piano ed orchestra e dedicated to compianto Dino Ciani, che non poté più eseguirla, Un'immagine di Arpocrate rivive a sognante interpretazione di Tamara Stefanovich in concerto with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra directed by Susanna Malkki and the Chorwerk Ruhr by Florian Helgath; tessiture finissime e ricercate concentrate su alcune parti dell'orchestra (soprattutto gli archi) sostengono una sorta di “vuoto” dello spazio sonoro, in cui il piano si inserisce come per evidenziare incantesimi. Perdita di convergenza, ambienti sonori dilatati and a chiaro respiro umano, leggermente affannato, which precedes a rivoluzione delle force naturali a circa metà del brano. The respiro si ripresenta per dar senso all pause, the content is all, also I lievi atti di vita dei presenti in sala (riempimenti del silenzio), conducendo to a sorta di monito essentialiale finale grazie alla direzione intrapresa dalla coralità.
Giorno Velato pressed the black lagoon to the second composition, composed by violin and orchestra, in the first instance with the help of Carolin Widmann and Jonathan Nott all together: lavorata with great effectiveness in the recording of the old instruments, possessed in the same way as the stesso potentials of the Un 'image of Arpocrate; The difference is based on Giorno Velato's ability to render the musical image of the image “compiute” in the transition of the nostra mind; The violin is the guide to the new rifles, the new lamentele espresse in curvature musicali, movements in scala discendente, pronti per accogliere the dolorose affermazioni di Rilke (an ultimate element of vicinanza a Wittgenstein). These images and the background of the animation are also in the picturesque style of Jan Preisler, and he is inspired by Hanno's inspiration as a composer, but the color tends to be monochromatic in his caratterizza. Tutto ineccepibile.
Ettore Garzia
Awards & Mentions:
German Record Critics`Award 2/2017 for “musica viva 26 – Salvatore Sciarrino” The jurors of the “German Record Critics' Award” association have recognized the NEOS production “musica viva 26 – Salvatore Sciarrino: Un'immagine di Arpocrate / Giorno velato presso il Lago Nero” by including it in its list of the best recordings of the second quarter of 2017. These two pieces written by Salvatore Sciarrino have a powerful appeal: the concerto for piano, choir and orchestra with the title “Un' immagine di Arpocrate” based on texts by Wittgenstein and Goethe and the violin concerto “Giorno velato presso il lago nero”, which can be heard here as a first recording. These are two recordings from the brilliantly curated musica viva series by Bayerischer Rundfunk. They take us into the world of the child god Harpocrates, Lord of Silence, and to the black lake of a contemporary painting: an extremely eloquent music of the spheres that opens our ears wide to what is happening in the dark and reveals a nocturnal world full of magic.