Symphony Orchestra Biel


The  Symphony Orchestra Biel (SOB) was founded in 1969. The focus of the artistic work are the symphony concerts. It regularly demonstrates its musical flexibility in productions at the Biel Solothurn Theater. Since its beginnings, the SOB has also been characterized by its interest in contemporary works.

Thomas Rösner has been chief conductor of the orchestra since 2005. Jost Meier, Ivan Anguélov, Grzegorz Nowak, Marc Tardue and Hans Urbanek previously held this office. In addition, renowned conductors such as Maxim Vengerov, Marcello Viotti, Armin Jordan, Heinz Holliger and Milan Horvat made guest appearances.

The orchestra played at the Carinthian Summer and the Feldkirch Festival in Austria. It performed at the Murten Classics Festival, the Martinu Festival in Basel and the newly founded Musikfestival Bern.


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